Pig 3: "Private Henson", Henson Pig Trail 2017, Gloucestershire
Date: 2nd September, 2017
Photograph Reference: P76060
Camera: Sony A550
ISO: 400
Exposure Time: 1/60sec with flash
Exposure Time: 1/60sec with flash
Aperture: F6.3
Focal Length: 18mm
Modifications: RAW modified
Artists: Tim Sutcliffe
I made a second trip the next weekend to see if I could find some of the pigs that I had missed on my first trip (which had coincided with a vehicle rally in Gloucester and the city centre was perhaps busier than normal). This was one of the ones I had missed on the first attempt, as in this case, I didn't go into the Eastgate Shopping Centre.
[The plinth holding Pig 2 was empty on both trips, so it didn't get photographed - had it been damaged?]