Sir Henry Fowler Book: 2nd Edition - Richard J Kyte Photography

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"Sir Henry Fowler KBE" by John Kyte - 2nd Edition
This book was originally published by the Vale of Evesham Historical Society in 2014.  The author, John Kyte (my father) passed away in 2018, and in December 2023, the VoEHS asked me if I could prepare a 2nd edition of the book as stocks of the 1st edition were almost sold out.   Since both my mother and I felt that the 1st edition had issues that needed addressing, I agreed to undertake the project to an unspecified deadline.

I was not happy with the reproduction of my digital images in the original book, but after some modifications to the master images, I believe that I've solved that issue.  For the most part, I am leaving the remaining images as they stand, but have made some minor modifications to a couple for the purposes of improving quality.  Hopefully, all photographs will be correctly and consistently credited to the photographers in question, although there are a couple of them where I don't know who the photographer is, and will list them as "Unknown".  Ideally, I would have liked to replace more of the images, but I don't have suitable replacements of my own at present, and have absolutely no budget to be able to purchase publishing rights for any further images.  

I don't propose to make any major text changes if I can help it; this is my father's work and not mine, and don't wish to get into any discussions about any possible mistakes that my father made, unless they are obvious ones.  I have already made some spelling and grammatical corrections, including one horrendous error that occurred several times in the text (I suspect Word may have auto-corrected, and neither I or my father picked up on it).

Unfortunately, I don't have any contact details for contributors to the 1st edition; if any of these people or organisations wish to contact me, please use the contact form on this site to do so.

As of the end of August, I've just about finished off the work I want to do on the 2nd Edition.  Unless my mother has any further input, I hope to get the book to the VoEHS at some point in the next couple of months.

Finally, I would point out that neither I or any other member of my family receives royalties from this book; it all goes to the VoEHS as my father wished.  There is thus no financial incentive for me to do this, and thus may not be as high a priority for me as tasks where there is a financial incentive.
Richard J. Kyte
August 2024
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