Park Bench at Night, Abbey Park, Evesham, Worcestershire
Date: November 2005 (exact date unknown)
Photograph Reference: P35008
Camera: Minolta Dynax 505si with Jessops ISO 400 print film
Modifications: Recomposed to 6x4 from 7x5 in PSP
This is one of my favourite 35mm photographs.
The three 35mm photographs in this collection may differ slightly in the HTML5 rebuild than in the previous version. All of them had been in printed 7x5 ratio and had to be recomposed into a 6x4 one to match the DSLR photographs and I can't be quite certain of the previous composition. I've also had to increase the resolution of the image as well and it is this that I wasn't sure I could do as I wasn't certain of the resolution of the original files. Fortunately these files were just slightly higher resolution than I needed, and I've been able to include them in the collection, making these the first 35mm photographs to be used in the HTML5 format.
Unfortunately, I can no longer re-shoot this image in its exact form as since this was taken, the benches along this path have been re-positioned.