The Almonry Museum at Night, Evesham, Worcestershire
Date: 20th October, 2011
Photograph Reference: P55209
Camera: Sony A550
ISO: 200
Exposure Time: 1.6sec
Exposure Time: 1.6sec
Aperture: F5.6
Focal Length: 22mm
Modifications: Camera JPG unmodified
During the Autumn of 2011, I undertook a Digital Photography course at the local college, and again found myself in Evesham shooting at night, albeit this time in colour.
I undertook this course at the suggestion of my parents (who having spent a four-figure sum on a camera and lens for my last two birthdays) felt that a little extra tuition might be beneficial. I think they were right, as this course got me thinking more about the camera setup (particularly the white balance settings), rather than the post-production. I'd set out to minimise the use of PSP on the coursework, and by-and-large, I succeeded; most photographs ended up either "as taken", or at worst recomposed, with no lighting adjustments or object removal.